Stars & Sweat 3: 4-Garino frappe
Any excuse for a bike ride and a good party, and the iris of Modena, in this, are champions, so even if Carnival is on March 8, organized a themed Alleycat carbevalesco. Obviously special prize for the best 2 mask! The smell of great
divertiento was in the air and then Sarah and I, we pulled back and finished the exams in two days, we have transformed ourselves into a Butch and choral form harvester.
-cardboard boxes-cardboard tube
-card-cord-Scotch paper
markers and a white feather boa to a mask-
sub-cap, aviator
-wire-tape-tape white lilac
-color for the face-
a pillow
It starts at 17:30 from Genoa to Modena. Jovanotti ball on the stereo. Sarah guide (she's the expert in driving, I am just riding a bike) while I finish the final touches to the form. Tovato parking a mile from the meeting's start assembling the bike, then the tricks, and we're ready to go.
As always there is a lot of people. In a few imparsonando recognize who we are, but everyone admired! Brindisi pre-departure registration instructions from Valter. Sarah's purse is about to explode: we are the tools for the bike, confetti, invitations to the party and the map. So, when we are since the crossword puzzle for the first check you just have to start using the pockets.
I've always been clumsy with crossword puzzles, and in fact we have to ask for help. We lose time to turn in empty squares as long as we are directed in the right, then off to the sports hall. Sarah encourages me, and we leave behind two pursuers. Sarah is building to public relations and drinks two shottini, while I crop a carnival mask (then serve for a photo) and try our new destination. Let
very strong: we are recovering a lot of competitors and this is good but also bad, because then, for the heat, stop and begin to trust the map below. This was suitable for running the race all alone without following the locals, but this time there are waterfalls.
short, it forms a large group that stretches between the various activities, and is back together to check. Moments from war movies when, at the park, make us make a path like "boot camp" (Meanwhile, Sarah drinks amaretto 3 ...). We're almost there: the penultimate check us take a photo with the mask previously cut and we are on our arrival at the entrance the Off (local party). We
thirty, certainly not the last. Race completed in fifty minutes. First Van Gogh (34 minutes and broken), with Bocchi (ever after). Laura, first Woman comes fourth, as on 11 December. Congratulations, pats on the back, pee ... the party starts, and finally, the awards ceremony.
Best Male: Bianca & Bernie, Miss & Kernit pig!
First Girl Out of Town: Sarah! In conclusion
thought the two incidents, we hope you are well.
Congratulations, again, to all the organizers, participants and spectators, and a special thanks to KingKong for being very nice and expansive.
Instead, and I just had to add a warning goes to the contestants who used the iPhone. You are pathetic and wrong. Get cycling instead of using these methods: if I was standing behind me with a girl sitting on the handlebar means that you are just unlucky.