Last day of 2010 dealing with Trenitalia!
Today, at lunch, there was the class Christmas party, with food, alcohol and ... after an exchange of gifts, from 14 to 18, lesson ... In
lunch break I drink a chup and two elder ...
on an empty stomach ...
do not drink hardly ever ...
That said, you can imagine how he followed two hours of Neurophysiology!
I had a crazy hot, blurry vision and I did not feel my legs!
After three quarters of an hour I'm good to go out for 20 minutes to retrieve my little one 'and, finally, I missed the last 2 hours ... I could not just resist!
Luckily today Trenitalia has surprises!
So from today at 16, is officially finished the first half of year 5! And today
missing exactly a month examination that I must give back to the 5th year in March and nearing the end of that tunnel which is the faculty of Medicine and of which we still do not see the light!
In this respect, not to repeat myself, but as a program of study
So, having started my Christmas holidays banner the study of cancer and other diseases!
I hope your plans for the holidays are most attractive and less depressing ...
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