first book I read this in 2011 is an old story that I had only heard in fragments, during childhood, read by my father. Take up was a little 'how to rejuvenate and get back to those moments, when along with my sisters around me tight in Latvian dad always asking to go on another chapter.
But he was also becoming big, because this time I was reading, that I chose when to stop the story. That I, chapter after chapter, I tried to explain morality.
Beautiful language, beautiful characters, linear story, because even the plot twists are widely heralded by the actions of Collodi.
Pinocchio makes you put your hands in your hair, is the Platonic idea of \u200b\u200bdisobedient child. But in the end make it. Will we
to imitate him? To improve?
Morale in 2011: if you want a second chance, given a second chance.
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