sgambatella It is said the effort made for ulterior motives, that you swear a lot and see all the crib, but then you get to a certain point you understand why you did.
Sunday was a bad breezy, the sky was overcast and there was the wind. In short, the day to sit at home watching a movie (or studying pharmacology, which is worse). But no: the crew of the Ligurian she found herself Brignole set to 14:30 to go and eat chestnuts. Relatively small holdings, with major defections, especially among the Genoese (there was only Jaca), but most welcome, in fact it was an opportunity to know our colleagues spezini Capiero (Coppi-I was told by old men) and Blank67.
solemn moment of the delivery of spoke-cards (which you see in the picture) and then part. Viewed the bad weather we decided to skip the section facing the sea and now the rise of Corso Gastaldi also to show our guests the velodrome Carlini (closed). From Carlini, the real climb up Borgoratti and beyond, in a narrow valley and steep. I sincerely offer my apologies to the participants by http://www.bikeroutetoaster.com/ because the road seemed much quieter. But saliva!
Jaca and Blank are left with a steady pace, instead Coppi-I (which, in fact, was Coppi but not anymore) had a little 'problems of consistency. I did a little 'back and forth. No problem to get junctions on the pass and down the other side. Here you touch a digression on the measurement of distance: You have no idea how long it 800m? Apparently the guy who gave us no information, because it was a couple of miles down.
However, laughing and Skidd, we arrived at the most fun traffic jam ever seen. Unaware of the fact that there was a festival some motorists Sunday decided to go right in the ... and meanwhile passed a bus ... and there was the people of the festival ... oh, how beautiful it is and do not ride a bike have these problems!
Now, after having cycled the premise that I also eat the bark of a tree, but we want to talk about those chestnuts? Dry and tiepidine! Instead fugasette were very good, as well as beer. Prize at the 5 year old child for the best interpretation of "I've Got A Feeling" by Black Eyed Peas. And
prize in Jaca for the interpretation of brakeless down! I admit to having used the brakes, especially when I realized that they were slowly loosening the Power Grips. However, for the return we had chosen the "quick and painless with little downhill in Val Bisagno final platter. A bit 'busy but not terrible. End of
sgambatella again Brignole, plans for the future, greetings, congratulations and the next.
Thanks to all, especially to bicycles that are with us always make us laugh and congestion.
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