First time at the stadium. I was told: not much, the matches of the championship is not the climate ...
Yeah, sure. But the curve remains the curve: sheeples will never learn.
If you have not understood to be embittered because I saw that people really can not think for themselves. How many of those who shouted "you're just gypsies of shit "to be racist would say if questioned at any time of day? How many of those who yelled" kill them ", urging the swift to enter the cage of the guests, still have the sick to look at the scenes of the G8 2001? How many of they knew something about the political motivations of the Serbs? Or anything else on the Serbian history of the last 15-20 years?
many of them know by heart the words of Imagine? v = DVg2EJvvlF8 & feature = related
... and it really looked like I was tho only one ...
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