Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Brent Corrigan Mediafire


" AltraColtura" event is so cool organized by his friend Barbara Gozzi. Many nights, many issues, so many big names and small (found below in white flyer). Above flyer in black are dates with the dates and themes of the evening.

ALTRACOLTURA. One evening a week, from March 15 to May 31, in a small room and friendly, authors and other entertainment to laugh, think, stay or go, discuss, discuss, read, draw, describe, interpret ... between a coffee and a drink, eating or going to the event.

via Villanova, 2 / a - Castenaso (Bo)

( HERE the event on Facebook.)

Why do I?
Why Tuesday, April 5 is the undersigned: " Lorenzo Balls - From words to images: the stories change?"
There is no way to talk about that, but meanwhile segnatevelo. And do not forget.
Storytelling, creative writing, comic books, adaptations, transformations: April 5 there will be talk of who and what fun. And of course you draw live.

Good night.


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