The best things, I always say, are obsessed. How
obsession is the story about the Watts riots of which I have wrote several versions: the long run, are all shit. Or at least: they were crap so far, and just because I did not understand what the hell I want to say with this story. That is, to say the stuff is not lacking, and I have to say it, but why that makes a difference. Once found, I began to throw down a strange subject, loooong more intimate, less truculent, and so much more evil and realistic than anything written so far. Pretty much the destruction of the family as an idea binder and the resulting inability to live without bringing pain to others.
Idea annoying, reeling and without hope: a lesson in hate. I like it.
For designs will be coming: there are so many irons in the fire: and other stories to be written precisely as to write the thesis is still on the fucking Morante and chilling book that is "Arturo's Island". Which is not obsession, but close enough.
obsession and desire to work and to read and keep up with the rest of the world: you can not do everything together, time is what it is. Lately
spend more time on the boards and I aim to better care, so I have less reason to write. I also study for a forthcoming history of (safe) and wait while the subject. Then look for an answer from overseas, a lot 'of responses.
am classes start again, and now Professor of Modern History seize good. Many interesting concepts, are smaller than me in fact. I'll need.
Ah, yes: my spring will be a little 'neurotic, I would say train. The
partcipare to Libernauta gave new life to the authors of BAND PROTECTED - stories of children "and some presentation around high schools and gala Florence. We are here:
- March 8, at 10:00, at the ITI Leonardo da Vinci.
- March 11, from 18:30 onwards (I know) until late at night to Galax , presentation of Libernauta (with reading, aperitif, DJ sets and that we will draw on the walls: 'na cool)
- March 15, at 10:00, at the Liceo Scientifico Leonardo Da Vinci (the one in the center, they tell me)
On 26 March, from 22:00 at the Arezzo Factory, Patrick Evans and I split the ass drawing from live actors, concerts, and casinos to no end: all this in "Garagulp!" Then
On April 5, one of the evenings I "AltraColtura" all mine near Bologna.
And now it seems all but already created stuff.
Another thing: deliberately not talking about politics, economy, on The Beautiful Country BAD LIVING: Why is not the place, and it's never really the time to talk about it, and above all they are ignorant and believe in things that, if the public would make nowadays, I crucify him.
I just say: some say that we are on a sinking ship and there are people who believe him. As if the captain was already making the sign of the cross and said while the old and sad violinists: play, play that is nothing.
It reminds me a little 'history' once upon a time. " I just do not seem to me the first time that we are reduced as well. It should say "there was so many times," if we had a little 'self-respect.
Just come on. Game over. It 's over.
We leave the money under the mattress, from what one can do with the head and hands, dignity, respect, intelligence.
short: let 'is fucking immigrants to Italy and fled to Costa Rica
everyone gains, trust me. Let us not obsess.
By THE ARSENIC WALTZ tonight I wanted to put in free download on THE BAD LIVING.
I think about it some more, 'let's see.
I'm going to read a chapter of Ellroy puts me at peace with history and then to work. Then relax
: 90s party tonight at Karemaski (by DickDog dj set).
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